
"Lucas was very welcoming when we first met and since then, continued to provide a safe and comforting environment. The journey that I have gone through has felt somewhat transformative and Lucas had helped me to unlock the potential and power within myself. Without his support, I wouldn’t be in the position I am in now and I am truly grateful for his kindness, throughout.

Towards the end of my journey, I truly felt that Lucas has been instrumental in enabling me to identify the person I want to be and I feel proud to be able to say that I have reached the end of a chapter; embracing my experiences, in a way that I have learnt and grown as my own person and how I approach life and situations. This is now the beginning of something new. I always find myself using the tools and techniques learnt through the sessions, continually self-reflecting and growing more and more, into being ME!

Thank you!"



"I worked with Lucas for 8 months and he really helped me a lot with working on my fears and poor self-confidence. I started counselling mostly for my problems with relationships and at the same time I started to date my actual boyfriend. I was very scared and full of questions and I really believe that Lucas and the psychotherapy contributed in building my relationship when it felt so fragile in its beginning. My boyfriend and I recently celebrated 1 year of living together.

I think Lucas is really professional. I felt he gave me the right degree of space and at the same time through his humanity, the means to allow me the confidence to completely open to myself. He really loves his job."



"Lucas worked with me for over a year to address crippling, lifelong issues. I was obsessed with an ex-partner, emotionally numb, full of self-loathing and profoundly lonely, yet unable to start a new relationship or move forward in life because I felt toxic and worthless.  

Lucas helped me to see how my addictive behaviour, relationship patterns, shame and self-loathing came from childhood wounds, and how I could heal by learning to connect with my lost inner child, love myself unconditionally and feel all my feelings.

I’m in my 40s and I’d spent a lifetime building walls to hide behind. An intellectual approach wouldn’t have reached me, but Lucas employed creativity, imagination and spirituality to help me begin to find out who I really am, and to like what I find. I’m now on a long road to becoming a whole person and building a rich, full life that I never thought possible."



"I went to Lucas with a number of issues, some very long standing with which I felt well and truly stuck. The sessions I had with him were sometimes challenging, sometimes profound but always felt safe. They – and he supported me greatly in taking charge of the things I had been struggling with and feeling affirmed in my ability to do this for myself."



"I approached Lucas during a very tough time in my life, which left me down and in need of help. I attended sessions with him over a 9 month period, where I found that his aid was invaluable and enabled me to get through with a new perspective on things.
I recommend Lucas to anyone considering therapy for his methods, his professionalism and for his ability to listen, understand and provide a different outlook on things."



"I met with Lucas over a period of several months. I was going through probably the hardest time of my life, suffering from depression, extremely low self-esteem, self-harming and suicidal thoughts following a traumatic life event. I felt comfortable talking to Lucas; it was easy to open up and tell him my innermost thoughts without fear of judgement, in a safe, caring environment and quickly we developed a healthy relationship through which to tackle my issues. Through my darkest times of complete self-hatred where I only saw one way out, he was able to help me identify a grain of self-love that lay within, and nurture it and grow this self acceptance of myself and who I am." 



"I started working with Lucas to help me overcome various issues I had been struggling with over a number of years.  I didn't realise it, but many of the issues that were impacting me internally, which also manifested themselves externally, developed at a very young age.  Lucas helped me get clarity around those issues at their core and really helped me develop a sense of myself I didn't realise existed.  From that new foundation I've been able to be true to who I am and now also true to others.  That really helped me lay a foundation of strength in my life, instead of one built on fear and control. I feel now I have the tools to really assess why I make certain decisions and how to evaluate myself in a positive and constructive way. 

Thank you Lucas for all of your help! It was tough work, and at times tough to admit to myself what we worked through, but truly life changing for me and my family!"



"At some point I was faced with a crisis that shook me to my core. I simply couldn't go on with life. I contacted Lucas to help me with feeling stuck and getting my life back on track. His style of psychotherapy was perfectly suited for me. Bit by bit, things started to become clearer and easier. Today, I can look back and say that Lucas did an amazing job at helping me through what seemed like an impossible crisis. Many thanks Lucas."



"I worked with Lucas for 6 months throughout one of the most difficult times in my life. I was extremely lost and perplexed as to how best to deal with everything that had been thrown my way. Lucas helped me to understand that a lot of what was surfacing through this experience were issues that had always been there especially in regards to my family. Yet, I wasn't able to recognise the impact that it had had on me for so many years. Lucas introduced me to the notion of taking back what I deserve and allowing me to understand the importance of my own voice and feelings. For many years I had internalised emotions and disregarded them on the basis of not being able to cope. Yet, one of my best memories of working with Lucas was having the freedom to be angry or upset, and in turn expressing the side of myself that was always there, but got lost amongst all the trauma. The whole process allowed me to truly see my strength and realise how much I've endured throughout my life, yet I'm still standing. I still have my good and bad days, but the process has definitely shown me that I am in control of my own future. 

Thank you Lucas for all your help. It goes without saying that you're incredibly talented at what you do, and you've helped me to grow and understand myself in ways that will stay with me forever."


“I had been in therapy prior to visiting Lucas but my progress had stalled. I still felt an emptiness which, while reduced from my previous therapy, still cast a shadow over my day to day existence. Over the course of around a year Lucas helped me uncover the sources of my wounds, come to terms with and undertake actions to heal them.

The process was a marathon, not a sprint. At times it was tough, as I had to engage with areas of my past that were buried and painful and at times it was enlightening as the hard work bared fruit. The time and effort were well spent. I now have a richer relationship with myself, my friends and my family and I feel more connected to the world at large. I now feel an inner calmness that encourages me to embrace life. I'm incredible grateful to Lucas for helping me.”


“Having never been in therapy or even considered it previously, I contacted Lucas as my life was rapidly becoming a car crash of unhappiness and self destructive behaviour. I spent a number of extremely valuable sessions with Lucas discussing the underlying reasons and causes of my issues and his calm and insightful manner massively helped me to help myself. Looking back now, from a position where my life has improved enormously, I can honestly say that reaching out to Lucas was one of the best things I ever did and I cannot recommend him highly enough.” 


“I have had the pleasure to work with Lucas for 12 months and I would like to warmly recommend the experience... Some of the things that I learnt during the year and I am still practising now; in how to stay with feelings or how to connect to my deeper emotional self and move away from the mind into the body. The mix of conversation, meditation, practical exercises, has always worked very well for me as no other session was the same. When I thought I knew it all, Lucas would surprise me with a role-play or some innovative method that would ultimately guide me to find out more about myself. I have already recommended his services to my friends ... and I think that probably the year invested in sessions with Lucas has been one of the most transformational experiences I have ever had. 

Thank you!”


“I worked with Lucas over the course of 9 months for my anxiety and OCD. He helped me identify the root causes of my anxiety and then supported me in my journey to love myself and be able to acknowledge my negative thoughts and learn how to let them go. There have been times when I was feeling so anxious or hopeless and Lucas provided me with techniques to listen to my body, feel what I was feeling and be comfortable with uncertainty.  

Thank you so much Lucas for helping me being myself again. Thanks for your patience and for your support throughout my journey.”


“I first sought out therapy because I felt very emotionally unstable, desperately out of control and full of anger. I was struggling and I realised how this was affecting my relationships with the people I loved and, most importantly, with myself. 

My time visiting Lucas was my first therapy experience on a weekly basis. These sessions became an opportunity to place a wise mirror in front of me in order to deal with long neglected trauma. The space that Lucas created was so comfortable and full of embracing energy, that I found myself releasing strong emotions during every session, even when I felt I had nothing to say. 

We worked together to understand the reason behind certain uncomfortable reactions, to develop tools, to accept and to mourn. 

This experience has taught me patience with life and most importantly with myself and I look forward to continue putting into practice all the skills we learnt together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Lucas!”


“My journey through therapy has lead me to reconnect with my true inner being.  Lucas guided me each step of the way through his listening ear and attentiveness.  Over time I was finally able to sit still and listen to my own heart. Through this discovery, I have reclaimed the life source that has always lived within me.  I am so thankful for this experience of reconnecting with my deeper self, as now I can fully love and accept my unique and beautiful self.  Now I can truly say what a wonderful gift life is.”


“Trust in the process.

This was my first experience with counselling, and I couldn’t been happier with the result.

Lucas was very easy to talk to, his advice and demeanour were very professional.

I would absolutely recommend counselling and Lucas in particular to anyone who feels they have a problem in their life that they just can’t seem to sort out.

I can’t believe I went so long with out talking to someone!”


“I worked with Lucas for over 2 years and in that time he helped me enormously to discover who I am, to appreciate myself and realise what I am capable of. His approach was always calm and warm, but he also provided the right amount of challenge to help me to unpick my own narrative and unlock many of the misbeliefs I had about myself, many of which were preventing me from moving forward in my life.

Lucas helped me to connect with my inner-child and to be present in my own body. Before I started working with Lucas I was very detached from myself but by working with him I now find I can identify my feelings and where they are manifesting which allows me to deal with them and cope with life in a much better way.

Through the work I did with Lucas I rediscovered a sense of hope for the future and a belief that I deserve to have a fulfilling life and I was able to let go of false negative beliefs about myself that had manifested through  years of addiction and low self-esteem.

Ultimately Lucas helped me to come back to my true self and for that I will always be grateful to him for the work we did together.”


“I initially came to Lucas not knowing what to expect and without an outcome in mind. For me, some things weren't functioning as I thought they should in my life. I had been to counseling before, but those sessions comparatively did not scratch the surface. How could I break these patterns?

Throughout our sessions we discussed, explored and I discovered more about myself that has ultimately made me happier and helped me in my personal relationships.

My sessions with Lucas are invaluable to me, and if I can keep them present with me, will notably change me forever.”


“I worked with Lucas over a period of 8 months. He made me feel at ease to bring some very deep issues into our sessions at a pace of my choosing. Lucas was able to put me in touch with a deeper side of myself and I will always be grateful for who he has helped me to become. I honestly feel I am capable of dealing with struggles that I never thought I’d be able to.

One thing that Lucas provides is complete integrity in our sessions, which enabled me to identify triggers, in order to regulate myself; providing me with the techniques to tackle my past relationships with family and the confidence to tackle my future issues as well.

I would recommend working with Lucas, if you’re looking for a therapist that is very down to earth.”


“Lucas is an incredibly skilled therapist who was able to create an environment that felt safe for me to be open and explore my feelings. My sessions with him not only helped me through a tough year, but, I believe, also changed my life in a long term way. He helped me to see myself and the world more honestly, and fall in love with what I found!

When I first came to him I was feeling very sad, angry and confused about my life. It's not that the difficult feelings have gone away now, but I'm better able to look at them gently and hold them with love, so they don't feel as overwhelming or shameful. Through the space of the sessions, I've been able to feel more lovingly connected to my life and the world, which is a precious gift indeed.

Thanks again for your work with me.”


“I have had a few therapists over the years, and I’ve never felt particularly connected with their methods and  I wasn’t fully committed to the process at the time. There wasn’t anything dramatic that lead me to finding Lucas online, it was a  trusted friend that  suggested the idea when I shared my feelings of  stress at work, self-doubt and anxiety which always lead back to an underlying feeling that the person I am is not enough. I was interested in a transpersonal approach and when I saw his professional profile online, I called and he seemed like a friendly and genuine person.

After becoming a trained therapist myself, I always wondered what it would be like to be on the other side, sharing your deepest and most vulnerable thoughts. At first it felt uncomfortable and strange when he asked me questions I would usually ask my clients but it soon improved. In all honesty,  being a therapist doesn’t prepare you for  your own therapy. I  couldn’t believe how hard it was to notice and understand my own behaviours and patterns, because that is how i’ve always done things.  Lucas’s kind, empathetic and  honest therapeutic manner made the whole process possible. From the early sessions I knew was investing time into something truly transformative and valuable and I thank him for being with me and guiding me through.

My sessions with Lucas have shifted me into a much healthier mental state. Lucas helped me to realise I am a valuable, lovable, powerful and desirable woman. He helped me to begin my  journey of  accepting who I am and trusting myself in order to overcome some of life’s barriers.

Since living with someone who has known me since childhood, they have been able to see the growth in my confidence and ability to acknowledge  unrealistic expectations set by myself or others.

I would be lying  if I said going to therapy always makes you feel ‘better’. The sessions can be incredibly emotionally draining and difficult, and you have a lot of things to grapple with during this period. It’s never the easy option to bring  the painful and shameful things, that you wish you could bury, into the light and face them front on.  But without a doubt it’s worth it, especially with Lucas.”


“I had never experienced online therapy before so felt both nervous and unsure of what to expect. From my first communication with Lucas what was immediately clear was that here was someone that I could trust utterly and someone with whom I could let my guard down. Lucas provided me with a safe space to explore unresolved past traumatic experiences and in every session I felt like I was making progress, feeling more whole, feeling stronger. Some sessions were emotionally very difficult but Lucas’ kind, supportive and encouraging approach  meant that each week I felt better.

When I first came to see Lucas I was suffering from overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety as well as a somatic mind/body pain in my leg, which was hard to manage. I have now finished our sessions a few months later, with no pain and with a sense of joy and confidence as well as a sense of being whole, which feels liberating. Lucas’s wisdom and guidance has changed my life and the whole process has been transformational for me.

I would highly recommend Lucas’ approach to anyone who would like a more peaceful and whole inner life.

Thank you.”


“I met with Lucas for over three years and I wholeheartedly recommend him. Lucas works with tenderness, creativity, and commitment. It’s hard to summarise where we went, but above all I loved how Lucas was willing to walk with me to the edge of what I was comfortable with. I found that these edges were where danger and healing lay.

Sometimes while meeting my demons our sessions felt hellish. At other times the sessions were heavenly, and I felt fully alive and flowing and connected.

After working with many therapists for over a decade, I’ve now stopped therapy completely and my life looks very different. I thank Lucas for helping me to get to this place.”


“Lucas achieved a lot of deep grief work with me. He has a knack of not shying away from what will benefit me the most, which is incredibly valuable. He therefore helped me to achieve a lot of freedom and change in a short amount of time. Thank you.”


“I can wholeheartedly say that I did not expect to get as much out of therapy with Lucas as I have gotten. Before I began therapy with Lucas I was not growing into the man I wanted to be and there were many aspects of my life that just did not feel normal. With the help of Lucas I was able to see clearly how I was deviating from a true and powerful self.

Prior to my sessions with Lucas I felt powerless to control the path that I was on, commonly feeling like I was a passenger in my own life, with both good and bad things just happening to me. Lucas employed a non-judgemental attitude and effective therapy techniques to help me realise how certain events in my life and narratives about who I thought I was led to this belief.

Lucas empowered me to take control but also discern what aspects of life were out of my control. I feel confident now that I have the tools to go through life happier and feeling more the man I want to be.

Thank you Lucas!’


“When I started psychotherapy I wasn't really sure it was for me, I didn't think my problems were important enough to warrant taking up someone's professional time. Lucas helped me to feel comfortable and to open up. He rarely offered direct advice, but by asking the right questions and giving me space to talk I was able to recognise patterns in my behaviour that I don't think I could have done on my own.

After 6 months I feel much more comfortable in my own skin and for maybe the first time in my life feel like I'm walking my own path in life. If you are thinking about working with Lucas I would say absolutely go for it.”


“I just had my last session with Lucas, after almost 1 year of working with him. I felt so many waves of beautiful emotions in that session. For the very first time in my life, I am at a place where I feel completely connected to myself, to love and to life.

Feeling in some ways sad that this chapter has come to an end, but now I am able to hold my sadness in an ocean of love; feeling my essence, my tenderness, my vulnerability and my beauty. One of the most precious things in life to me is being able to share the journey of Life and receive support and guidance in that journey. And I would absolutely do this journey again with Lucas’s therapeutic support a thousand times over for so many reasons.

If you are considering therapy because you are ready to learn to do the work towards healing and are looking for something transformative; working with someone who is completely dedicated to supporting you, please choose Lucas. Your life will never be the same!”


“Working with Lucas opened my eyes to a lot of the issues that had caused me to suffer from anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for most of my life. Lucas challenged me to face, in a safe way, a lot of my problems. He listened to my story in a respectful and compassionate way and shed light on where a lot of my issues were rooted and helped me to understand and integrate them.

For perhaps the first time in my life, I feel understood, liberated and able to accept myself for who I am. This self-acceptance and confidence has helped me to find the independence to manage my own well being rather than view it as something I “had to fix”.

Lucas is an excellent therapist, who I sincerely trust and would recommend to anyone who is struggling with their own mental health or is going through a difficult moment in their lives.”


“I had a great experience doing therapy with Lucas. It was not always easy, and it took a lot of work and commitment to the treatment to start seeing results. But therapy has changed my life and my relationships. One thing I learned is that a lot of the things I was anxious about in my life are not real, and that everything is OK, or at least not as bad as I feared. I learned to see my anxious thoughts for what they are, just thoughts and emotions. I feel them still, therapy does not “cure” you in that way, but they do not rule my life to the same extent. I like that Lucas did not try to prescribe me to some famous method or therapy technique, as other therapists have done. He met me where I was, and used whatever tools or techniques made the most sense at the time to help me. I could tell that he cared very much about my treatment.” 


“When I met Lucas, I was going through a deep depression. My life lacked lustre and meaning. In my early thirties, my once exciting career had ground to a halt, just married but the prospect of having kids played on my mind  (did I even want them? Would that give my life meaning?) and I lacked direction or purpose. I had dysfunctional relationships within my family and trauma which I had pushed down. 

I didn't realise how harsh the voice inside my head was; Lucas showed me what compassion looked like, dealing with sensitive topics carefully and compassionately. His kindness often brought me to tears and he helped me to stop punishing myself. Lucas skilfully threads together reoccurring themes, to make sense of well-trodden relationship dynamics and my reaction to them. I wrote letters to family members (without sending), reconnecting to my inner child. This was so healing and revealed some wounds that I had built a wall around.

He shed light on my limiting beliefs and inadvertently taught me to dream bigger and to carve out the life I wanted. Lucas challenged my core beliefs through insightful questions, and enabled me to understand myself and those around me better.  After many months of darkness, I was able to open my heart, and a new world unlocked around me. I am HAPPY. I see the beauty and joy of life again. This has honestly changed my life, and if you are on the fence, all I can say it take the first step.

Lucas, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart!”


“I reached out to Lucas in a moment of crisis, having spoken to multiple therapists about the same symptoms of anxiety and self doubt that had cycled through peaks and troughs for years.

Lucas helped me to connect with past issues and start to understand my coping mechanisms. This was instrumental in allowing me to reach what feels like a breakthrough moment that has helped me to be more mindful and feel more in control of my life.

Thank you so much Lucas.”


“I worked with Lucas for four years and it was a transformative experience. He had a rare combination of warmth, compassionate listening and intuition. He created a safe space where I could express myself more freely and explore even the most difficult emotions.

When I started therapy I was struggling with control issues, addiction, grief and relationship difficulties. Lucas met me with acceptance and helped me to gradually loosen my grip on needing to be a certain way. He skillfully guided me to connect with my emotions more deeply and explore areas beyond words. 

Lucas helped me to navigate the challenges of a divorce, to heal my childhood wounds and to explore my spirituality. Whilst the therapeutic process addressed many challenges in my life, it was also a journey of growth. As I began to open my heart, I discovered more love, gratitude and connection in my life. I can't thank Lucas enough for his support and guidance on my journey.”